Home » a cash book with cash bank and discount column is commonly referred as: CASH BOOK MCQS Mcqs for Preparation

a cash book with cash bank and discount column is commonly referred as: CASH BOOK MCQS Mcqs for Preparation

by Austiee Gosney


In this article, we take two types of examples of cash books – Single Column and Double Column. A cash book with cash, bank and discount column is commonly referrred to as Three columns cash book. The three column cash book has three money columns on both debit and credit side “ one on each side for recording discount, cash and bank amounts. A three column cash book includes three amount columns on both sides, i.e., cash, bank and discount. This cash book is prepared in the same way as simple and double column cash books are prepared.


The cash columns should be balanced as usual and the balance should be carried forward to the next date or period. It should be noted that the amount spent by the petty cashier cannot exceed the amount received. When compared to a single-column cash book, a double-column cash book is more applicable and provides more information. The cash book can be used to determine how much money was received and paid from various sources during a given period.

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If any organization is in a general practice of giving or receiving discounts this is the preferable option. If a business entity has more than one bank account, columns may be provided in the cash book for each bank account separately. Let us understand the format of maintaining a petty cash book or a detailed cash book through the detailed explanation below. A cash disbursement journal is a record kept by accountants of financial expenditures made by a company before they are posted to the general ledger. Because the cash book is updated continuously, it will be in chronological order by transaction. In the description column, the accountant writes a short description or narration of the transaction.

The primary goal of a cash book is to manage cash efficiently, making it easy to determine cash balances at any point in time, allowing managers and company accountants to budget their cash effectively. It is also much faster to access cash information in a cash book than by following the cash through a ledger. It should be noted that when the cashbook is used as a subsidiary ledger the discount column is still not part of the double entry. The column simply lists the discounts as with any other book of prime entry. Subsequently at the end of the accounting period, the business posts the total of the column to the general ledger discount allowed or received account as appropriate. In big firms, transactions are not done in cash.

A cash book with cash bank and discount column is commonly referred as …

Enter the following transactions of Fathima in the cash book with cash, bank and discount columns for the month of May, 2017. Enter the following transactions in a cash book with cash, bank and discount columns of Sundari. A cash book and a cash account differ in a few ways. A cash book is a separate ledger in which cash transactions are recorded, whereas a cash account is an account within a general ledger. A cash book serves the purpose of both the journal and ledger, whereas a cash account is structured like a ledger. Details or narration about the source or use of funds are required in a cash book but not in a cash account.

Despite being difficult to maintain on a large scale, organizations ensure maintaining cash book accounting for a handful of reasons. Disbursement is the act of paying out or disbursing money, which can include money paid out for a loan, to run a business, or as dividend payments. The cash book is recorded in chronological order, and the balance is updated and verified on a continuous basis. Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping.

Rather than separating cash and bank accounts, a double column cash book enables accountants to maintain the two accounts side by side. This allows for greater convenience when recording transactions. In particular, we can quickly see overall balances.

Under double-https://1investing.in/ cash books, cash transactions and transactions through banks done by the business are also recorded. The cash ledger book can act as both a journal and a ledger and comes in various formats. The transactions done on credit are not recorded while preparing the double column cash–book. In the discount columns, cash discount, i.e., cash discount allowed and cash discount received are recorded. The net amount received is entered in the amount column on the debit side and the net amount paid is entered in the amount column on the credit side.

Cash Book with Discount and Bank Columns

The difference between the a cash book with cash bank and discount column is commonly referred as of the two sides gives cash in hand or bank account balance. Petty cash is a small amount of cash on hand used for paying expenses too small to merit writing a check. The two column cash book uses two columns on each side of the book. Depending on the nature of the business involved the two columns can be used for different purposes. The other side of the cash book has the heading ‘Credit’ and shows an identical format with the single column representing the monetary amount of the cash payment. Related to cash, entries that involve banks or discounts such as checks received, checks issued, sales discounts, or purchases discount does not record.

What Is a Cash Book? How Cash Books Work, With Examples – Investopedia

What Is a Cash Book? How Cash Books Work, With Examples.

Posted: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Is a financial journal that contains all the cash receipts and cash payments, including the deposit in the bank and withdrawals from the bank. Here all transactions have two sides, i.e., debit and credit. All the cash receipts are recorded on the left side of the cash book entries, whereas all the payments in cash are recorded on the right side. The difference between the sum of balances on the right and left sides shows the cash on hand. There are various examples of the Cash Book entries followed according to the different situations by different companies.

The transactions done on credit do not record in the cash book. So the transactions Purchased from Mr. X on credit and Goods sold on credit on April 18 are not considered while preparing the cash book entries. Total of the discount column on the credit side is posted as credit to the discount received account. Total of the discount column on the debit side is posted as debit to the discount allowed account. You will gain a better understanding of the “Cash Book” chapter if you read these 30 important cash book questions and answers on a regular basis. The primary goal of a cash book is to manage cash efficiently, making it easy to determine cash balances at any point in time, allowing managers and company accountants to budget their cash effectively when needed.


Such credit transactions are settled against payments, in future. I think there option C indicates one cash book column and others are one is discount receive column and another is discount allowed column. Because here not clearly said what type of discount is this.

He has worked as an accountant and consultant for more than 25 years and has built financial models for all types of industries. He has been the CFO or controller of both small and medium sized companies and has run small businesses of his own. He has been a manager and an auditor with Deloitte, a big 4 accountancy firm, and holds a degree from Loughborough University. The three column cashbook is sometimes referred to as the triple cashbook, treble cashbook or the 3 column cashbook.


A cash account with a brokerage requires that all transactions be payable with funds available in the account at the time of settlement. Again, the three column cash ledger diagram below shows only one side of the cashbook, in this case the left hand receipts side . Again, for simplicity, the two column cashbook ledger diagram below shows only one side of the cashbook, in this case the left hand receipts side . Irrespective of the number of sub-divisions, each page of the cash book can have a number of formats from single column to multi-column. The most popular formats are the two and three column formats as detailed below.

By comparing the cash balance to the actual cash in hand, errors and anomalies can be identified and corrected. The amount of trade discount is adjusted in the invoice itself. Thus A has to pay only Rs 900 (Rs 1,000 – 100), that is, after deducting the amount of trade discount. The amount of trade discount is deducted in the invoice itself. And the amount of trade discount does not appear in the account books.

  • Cash discount is allowed on _______ repayment of debt.
  • The cash book is recorded in chronological order, and the balance is updated and verified on a continuous basis.
  • For instance, A makes a purchase of goods worth Rs 1,000 at 10/o trade discount.
  • The column on the debit side records discount allowed to debtors and the column on the credit side records the discount received from creditors.
  • Because the cash book is updated continuously, it will be in chronological order by transaction.

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Double Column Cash Book

Cash discount is allowed on _______ repayment of debt. Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website. Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others. You can read the previous four chapters of our accounting learning course here if you missed them.

As both the debit and credit aspects of a transaction are recorded in the cash book, such entries are called contra entries. The first three columns are the same as the single column cashbook and show the date, transaction description (Desc.), and ledger folio reference . The two columns referred to in the name of this cashbook are the monetary amount of the cash receipt , and the monetary amount of the discount allowed both highlighted in gray.

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